
Making Waves

Juxtaposed with the predicted weather of today (100% chance of rain is never a happy meteorological moment) this post is an echo of this weekend’s pool time, when the cherry blossoms were falling into the water as the scent of lilacs drifted on the warm breeze. That warm breeze feels far away, as we shift into a cooling spell that coincides with the rollercoaster that is Mercury in retrograde, and winds and rain arrive in mad fashion. 

A good way to combat the dreary weather pattern is to wish for ‘The Impossible Dream’, and this little harp trio playing ‘Waves’ which is as light and wistful as the summer-like days that preceded the storms. Give it a whirl and lend it your ears. 

Such whimsy is the stuff of summer to come, when I’ll be easing off the serious vibes of late and going all pastel powder puffs of ruffles and eyelets, and sunny, hazy, dreamy confections that run on and on like the endlessness of this sentence. 

No complaints about the rain either, as we need it desperately, and it forces us to still the day and the outside work, insisting on contemplation, and a pause. Let us linger here, waiting… for the Flower Moon to pass. 

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