
The Pollinators Gather

As if to say this summer is not yet over, and assembling for a party is the best way to prove it, the birds and bees and butterflies have been having a field day in our clumps of cup plants, buzzing and chirping and fluttering about their pollination work, and so our summer continues onward. Not content to throw it all away just yet, despite the wonky and rainy extended start, they seem to have congregated in the backyard as proof that the work is not yet done. This also marks the first few days of the unfurling blooms of the seven sons’ flower tree – two specimens of which now rise twenty feet in our back and side yards. 

It’s been nice having the sun back in our lives these past few days, reminding us that August and September are mostly about summer, and that the season is still high when it chooses to be. Autumn may be creeping into the nights, and the light lasts a little less every day, but it’s still summer. Hold into it…

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