
Rods of Gold

My aversion to goldenrod doesn’t come from its wrongly-rumored allergy connotation – most of the sneezing that takes place at this time of the year is due to the ragweed, a far less showy plant that spreads its bothersome pollen in the air. The goldenrod carries its pollen closer to its flowers, due to its larger size, and doesn’t get as easily airborne as the ragweed. Unfortunately for the goldenrod, it’s the plant we see in bloom now (the ragweed is as unassuming as its common name) and so it gets all the blame. I know what that’s like. Being the showy one instantly puts a target on your back. 

Fortunately for the goldenrod, and for me, the truth wins out in the end. Always has, always will – it’s just a matter of time. 

That still doesn’t allay my aversion to this plant, which goes back to grade school, and the way the swaying gold blooms always told me that the start to another school season was around the corner. The same feelings of dread and worry crept into the cool night air then, while whispers of the darkening fall sounded insidiously on the wind. Goldenrod nodded her assent, allowing autumn to enter, and my heart was set into riot again. 

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